How is the MISS GEORGIA USA® and MISS GEORGIA TEEN USA® Pageant judged?
• Each contestant will be judged in three areas of competition; Interview, Swimsuit and Evening Gown. Judging criteria includes character, poise, confidence and personality.
Is there a talent portion of the competition?
• No, there is no performing talent required. There are three equally scored categories, including interview, evening gown, and swimwear.
Are you only looking for perfect “10’s”?
• Absolutely not! Whether you’re 4 feet tall or 7 feet tall it doesn’t matter. In the swimsuit portion of the competition, the judges will be looking for physical fitness, which includes a healthy and fit body. There’s usually a wide range of body styles and types for the Semifinalists each year. We’re looking for outgoing, intelligent, confident, attractive young women excited to represent the beauty of Georgia.
Do I have to be a “Pageant Girl” to enter?
• Not at all, in fact most of our contestants are newcomers to pageants.
Are there any height or weight requirements to compete in the pageant?
• Absolutely not! Each contestant in our pageant is an individual and the judges are looking for body proportion and personality, not a specific body measurement.
How does “Sponsorship” work?
• Collecting sponsorship is very important. It takes a time commitment on your part. You start with a list of potential sponsors such as friends and family members and their employers, etc. Plan your strategy, and make a plan to succeed! Schedule appointments to collect your sponsorships. When approaching potential sponsors, explain your goals, your desire to improve yourself by attending the Miss Georgia event, the charities you believe in and the scholarship opportunities. Let them know what your experience will entail. This will be extremely beneficial in developing your communication skills. This is an essential characteristic to have if you’re going to be the next Miss Georgia USA or Miss Georgia Teen USA.
Our goal is for contestants to collect 100% of the sponsorship fee. This is a tax-deductible advertising expense for those businesses that assist you with sponsorship. If you work hard on collecting sponsorship, it is possible that you will not incur any expenses out of pocket. In addition, hard-working contestants receive material item sponsorships, such as a dress, tanning, a haircut, etc.
What if I raise more sponsorship money than the required sponsorship fee?
• You may collect more than the required sponsorship fee. If you do collect over the required amount of the sponsorship fee, please send in the full amount to the state pageant offices. You may use additional sponsorship toward special “Spotlight Ads” in the Official Program Book.
What happens if I can’t get my registration materials in before the deadlines?
• Deadlines are very important to us in order to make timely program preparations. However, we realize that unexpected circumstances can arise and that the collection of sponsorship may take longer than expected. If you need an extension, please call or email the state pageant offices. *A late fee may be applied if materials are turned in after the deadline.
What should I do if a sponsor gives me cash for my sponsorship fee?
• If you receive cash contributions for your sponsorship fee, you may put that money into a money order or send a personal check. Please DO NOT send cash through the mail at any time. We will accept cash at the seminar. If your cash collected exceeds the sponsorship fee for the state pageant, then you do not have to send in the additional cash.
What if I simply cannot afford to compete?
• We explain how to obtain sponsorships and offer many fundraising ideas to cover competition costs—including entry fee and wardrobe. Your family, friends and local business leaders will be supportive, when you share your goals with them.
When will the national pageant be televised?
• The MISS USA® national pageant is typically televised in May/June each year. The MISS TEEN USA® national pageant, is typically produced in July/August of each year, but is not always televised. It may also be held during the same time as the MISS USA Pageant.
When will the semi-finalists be named?
• The semi-finalists in the pageant will be named during the first portion of the pageant finals on the last day of the pageant weekend. No one will know who the semi-finalists are until that moment in the pageant finals show.
If I am not named as a semi-finalist, will I still be in the pageant finals
• Absolutely. All contestants will participate in the gown review, special awards, naming of the semi-finalist, musical performances, and naming of the titleholders. You will be on stage at many times during the pageant finals, even if you are not named as a semi-finalist.
Do I need a different gown for finals than the one I wear for preliminaries
• No. We highly recommend wearing the same gown for both preliminaries and finals. Nearly all contestants at the state pageant wear the same gown for both.
If I win, will it interfere with school?
• We make school the number one priority! Our program only encourages your success! Almost all of your appearances, celebrity events, and charity work will take place during the weekend and will be scheduled in advance.
Do I have to spend a lot of money on wardrobe?
• You do not need to spend fortunes on swimwear, an interview outfit, and an evening gown. It is most important to find outfits that you will feel confident in and that best suit you and your personality. The personal choice of gowns have spanned from simple, elegant to hand beaded. But it is never the gown that the judges are scoring; it’s the young women wearing it. Again, several contestants have been able to secure a gown sponsor to assist them.
What is the “Introduction or Opening Number Outfit” for?
• At the beginning of the show for the pageant, each contestant will be introduced to the audience during an upbeat, choreographed introduction musical number (contestant will not sing, and the choreographed moves are very easy – you do not need to be a dancer).
Do I need a pageant coach to help me prepare?
• Even though some contestants wish to seek expert advice, we do not see this reflected in the overall outcome of the pageant. Focus on being your “personal best!”
What type of photo should I use for my official state pageant photo in the program book?
• Most contestants will submit a professional “head and shoulders” style photo. However, a professional photo is not necessary. Just make sure there are no distractions in the background in your photo and that you are the sole subject. A 5×7 or larger color photo should be emailed (georgia@greenwoodproductions.com) or mailed to the pageant office no later than 6 weeks prior to the pageant weekend.
Do I need to pay for my meals during pageant weekend?
• No. Your meals throughout the state pageant weekend are provided by the state pageant. Although all of your meals are provided, we do recommend that are prepared for any snacks that you may want.. If you have any special dietary requirements, please plan ahead and bring those foods/drinks with you.
Do I need to pay for my hotel room during pageant weekend?
• No. Your hotel room during the pageant is provided for you by the state pageant. You will be paired with one other contestant in a room with two beds. If you choose to arrive the night before or stay the night after the pageant, your room for those nights would be at your own expense.
How many other contestants will I room with at the hotel?
• Each contestant is paired with one other contestant in order to share each hotel room. Each room will have two beds, so each contestant will have their own bed. In order to be respectful to the contestant with whom you are sharing the room, only the two of you are allowed in your hotel room (no family or friends allowed at any time).
If my family or friends want to attend the pageant, where do they stay?
• They may stay in the pageant’s “Host Hotel”. Friends and Family rates normally apply.
How do my family and friends get tickets to attend the pageant?
• Ticket information will be listed on the website once they have been set.
How many contestants compete at the state pageant?
• The number of contestant vary from year to year, but each year approximately 40-80 contestants compete for the Miss title, and 40-80 contestant compete for the Teen title.
What should my family and friends wear to the pageant?
• We recommend anything from business casual to formalwear for the pageant preliminaries and pageant finals.
Will there be a pre-pageant seminar or orientation?
• Once you become an accepted contestant and submit your registration materials, we invite you to join us for a special Miss Georgia USA/Teen USA seminar in our host city of McDonough. The Miss Georgia USA and Teen USA seminar is free of charge and is designed to help you compete at your personal best. We look forward to seeing you there (more details will be included in your registration packet).
• Must be at least 18 years of age and under 28 years of age before Jan. 1, 2022.
• Must never have participated in a previous national MISS USA Pageant.
• Must not have participated in another 2022 State Preliminary to the MISS USA pageant.
• Must be at least 14 years of age and under 19 years of age before Jan. 1, 2022.
• Must never have participated in a previous national MISS TEEN USA Pageant.
• Must not have participated in another 2022 State Preliminary to the MISS TEEN USA pageant.
• Must not be married, never have been married, and never have had a marriage annulled.
• Must never have given birth to a child, cannot be pregnant or be a parent.
• Must be of good health and moral character.
• Must be a Citizen of the United States.
• Must be recognized medically and legally as a female in the United States and at least one of the following three statements must be true:
(1) Must now reside in their state as their permanent and primary residence for a period of at least 90 consecutive days immediately prior to the beginning of their state pageant (although they may have attended college or University elsewhere); or
(2) Must have resided in the State as a full-time student at a school, college or university and will have completed one entire semester, trimester or summer session by December 31, 2021, and they will continue to reside in their State as a full-time student at a school, college or university (although they may have spent or be spending the summer in another State); or
(3) Must retain full-time employment in the State (i.e., I work at least forty (40) hours per week in the State, and I qualify for employment benefits provided by my employer) and have maintained such full-time employment for a period of at least ninety (90) consecutive days prior to the date of the State Pageant.
• Must agree, that if selected to represent their state in the MISS USA or MISS TEEN USA Pageant, they will participate in that pageant, and will abide by all the rules and regulations governing that pageant. If they win the MISS USA Pageant, they must agree to participate in the MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT, and to abide by the rules and regulations governing that pageant.
• No contestant or any member of their immediate family can be employed by The Miss Universe Organization, The Miss Brand Corporation, The Miss USA Organization, any State Director in the MISS USA and/or MISS TEEN USA Pageant system, WME or any of its subsidiaries, IMG or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated or related companies. (If contestant or any member of their immediate family is employed by any of the foregoing or any firm or corporation controlled or affiliated with any of them, then they must notify the state director immediately, in writing, so that their eligibility may be determined.
• Must agree that if they win or succeed to the state level title or the national title of MISS USA or MISS TEEN USA, they will not participate in any other pageants during the time they hold any of these titles, unless authorized in writing by The Miss USA Organization.
• Must be willing to release, unconditionally and forever, any claim against The Miss USA Organization, Its parent and affiliated or related companies and their respective officers, directors, partners, employees, agents and assigns, which they may have by virtue of their participation in their state pageant, or by any use of their name, likeness, voice, and/or biography in connection with their state pageant, including use in promotional and advertising material.
• Must understand and agree that all issues as to eligibility shall be determined by The Miss USA Organization, and they must agree to abide by that determination both as to themselves and other applicants.